Gejroth, Claes: Diarium Vadstenense. The memorial book of Vadstena Abbey: a critical edition with an introduction. Studia Latina Stockholmiensia; XXXIII. Stockholm 1988, diss, 395 s.
Rajamaa, Ruth: Systrarnas verksamhet, undervisning och uppfostran i Vadstena kloster 1384–1595. (Activities, education and discipline in Vadstena Convent 1384–1595.) Stockholm 1992, diss, 281 s.
Vadstena stads äldsta tänkeböcker ("Domboken") 1577–1610. (The oldest court records of Vadstena, 1577–1610.) Red: Georg J. V. Ericsson. Uppsala 1952, XI + 576 s.
Wallin, Gunnar: Vadstena stadsfullmäktige under hundra år 1863-1962. (The town council of Vadstena during one hundred years, 1863-1962.) Vadstena 1963, 152 s.